Bubbling Water and a Hidden Bathing Spot
The southern part of Iceland is a part of the country I really haven’t explored enough. I’m only familiar with the big touristy things around the area and was therefore [&helli
How and Where to Eat Candy in Reykjavík
As a candy critic, my goal was to find out where you’ll get the best “bland í poka” (mixture of candy in a small plastic bag) in downtown Reykjavík. Here […]
Sigurður Flosason og Kristjana Stefánsdóttir -Hvar Er Tunglið?
In typically uncreative fashion, a bunch of classically schooled musicians have banded together to perform their jazzy takes on some modern poetry: Are you thrilled yet? Does this
THE CHARADE – The Best is Yet to Come
Shallow, vacant Swede-indie that rather reminds one of the idiotic grin of someone who has recently inhaled far too much marijuana, or that intensely irritating person who always m
Kamp Knox – A Tad 65
I fucking swear I’m going to pull a Tsar Nicholas II on these indie/lo-fi/folk motherfuckers soon. I know exactly how I’m going to do it, too: I’ll advertise an album [&helli
Poachers Too – As in Also
Sad, pathetic excuses for lyrics pockmark this otherwise smooth ride of well-written and well-played folk that is as pleasing to the ear as it is unlikely to revisit your memory, [
The Beasties – The Beasties
Cheerfully sweet pop only identifiable as being off-the-beaten-path by the rough-hewn production quality and sometimes obscure subject matter of the lyrics, this is a sometimes int
Powersolo – Egg
Fuzzy, pompous, raunchy to the point of being overbearing and a dead ringer for a punk band covering the theme music to a Gidget movie: Yup, three more of Jon […]
Harp Inspires Hyperbole
There was art in the air. Everybody was wearing woollen sweaters and scarves or hats or drapes they had ripped down to sew a gown. The first act of the […]
Fat Old Guy Mocks Pretty Girl
Arriving at Laugardalshöllin to see the Ian Anderson concert, I felt like this was the opening night at an oversized old folks’ home. Most of the people there had 50 […]
15 Great Minutes
It was my deep respect for Palli, guitarist from the pop band Maus, that led me to restrain a section of the audience from launching a surprisingly heavy ashtray (note […]
The Private Show
The atmosphere at NASA prior to the start of Coco Rosie’s set did not point towards a terribly enjoyable evening. The crowd was of the vegetarian coffeehouse variety, consisting
Sleater-Kinney Interview
The Riot Grrl threesome of Carrie Brownstein, Janet Weiss and Corin Tucker, collectively known as Sleater-Kinney has been touring Europe in support of the latest release, The Woods
Situated in one of the older buildings in downtown Reykjavík (built in 1834), Lækjarbrekka has been a celebrated institution of fine dining since the location was extensively ren
Shalimar is a restaurant that several members of the Grapevine staff like to frequent, and its friendly service and authentic South Asian cuisine once earned it our Bezt í Heimi [
Hótel holt
Ah, Hótel Holt. A fancy hotel with an even fancier restaurant and home to what must be the fanciest art gallery this side of Fancyland. This reviewer has fond childhood […]
Aloha, Zappa Plays Zappa
Frank Zappa is one of a select few true legends in the music world. Just the mention of his name garners so much respect that simply being able to say […]