2008 Tourism and Travel in 20 Minutes
Páll Ásgeir Ásgeirsson: Páll Ásgeir Ásgeirsson is a journalist and respected travel writer. He has written many popular guidebooks on travel in Iceland, often featuring an em
2008 Music in 18 Minutes
Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir: Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir is managing director of the Iceland Music Export office, IMX, founded in 2006. On a shoestring budget, Hildibrandsdó
2008 Politics in 30 minutes
Egill Helgason: Egill Helgason has hosted Iceland’s main political debate show (Silfur Egils, now showing on RÚV) for many years, and is often cited as the nation’s top commen
The Grapevine Presents: 2K8 Round Table Round Up Bonanza Extravaganza Madness!
So this is the New Year. Aught nine. Seems pretty dark and rainy thus far, but then again most Icelandic years start out that way. And given the present situation, […]
Ratatat fucked up. Well, it wasn’t their fault entirely. There were other fuck-ups involved. And maybe theirs wasn’t even the biggest fuck-up. But somebody fucked up, and I hav
Stuff We Like!
This year’s first Grapevine issue is finally out, on the streets and on-line. And it is a pretty fine read, if we say so ourselves. The paper is truly “stuffed [&hellip
Kjarvalsstaðir (Reykjavik Art Museum)
Art Museum dedicated to Icelandic artist Jóhannes S. Kjarval with additional exhibition on display throughout the year. Click on image to see bigger map! Address: Flókagötu 105
Guesthouse Sigríður
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Viðarhöfði 2 110 Reykjavík Phone: 699-7885 Web: www.gistiheimili.is Contact/Info: gistiheimili@gistiheimili.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Gue
FH – Eyrarkot
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Kjós 270 Mosfellsbær Phone: 566-7051 692-3025 Contact/Info: begga@emax.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Farm Acc.
Guesthouse – Alba Guesthouse
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Eskihlíð 3 105 Reykjavík Phone: 552-9800 Web: www.alba.is Contact/Info: stay@alba.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Guesthouse
FHC – Hjalli
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Kjós 270 Mosfellsbær Phone: 566-7019 Contact/Info: hjalli@vortex.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Farm Acc.
Guesthouse Snorri
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Snorrabraut 61 105 Reykjavík Phone: 552-0598 551-3890 Web: www.guesthousereykjavik.com Contact/Info: guesthousereykjavik@guesthousereykjavik.com
FH – Guesthouse Kriunes country hotel
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Við Vatnsenda 203 Kópavogur Phone: 567-2245 897-0749 Web: www.kriunes.is Web: www.kriunes.is Contact/Info: kriunes@kriunes.is Area: Reykjavik a
Inns of Iceland – Garður Inn
Reykjavik area In the summer Address: V/Hringbraut 101 Reykjavík Phone: 562-4000 Web: www.inns.is Contact/Info: info@inns.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Guesthouse
Inns of Iceland – Flóki Inn
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Flókagata 1 105 Reykjavík Phone: 552-1155 Web: www.inns.is Contact/Info: info@inns.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Guesthouse
Guesthouse White Svan
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Vatnsstígur 11 101 Reykjavík Phone: 533-4101 Web: www.reykjavikguesthouse.is Contact/Info: info@reykjavikguesthouse.is Area: Reykjavik area Typ
Guesthouse Víkingur
Reykjavik area In the summer Address: Þverholt 20 105 Reykjavík Phone: 896-4661 Web: www.guesthouse1.com Web: www.travelnet.is/vikingur Contact/Info: ghviking@isholf.is Area: Rey
Guesthouse Travel-Inn
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Sóleyjargata 31 101 Reykjavík Phone: 561-3553 Web: www.dalfoss.is Contact/Info: dalfoss@dalfoss.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: Guesthouse
Privat acc. – A10 Guesthouse
Reykjanes peninsula Year round Address: Austurgata 10 230 Reykjanesbær Phone: 423-7739 Web: www.a10.is Contact/Info: a10guesthouse@gmail.com Area: Reykjanes peninsula Type: Privat
Private acc. – Bead and brekfast Keflavík
Reykjanes peninsula Year round Address: Ásabraut 8 230 Reykjanesbær Phone: 899-2570 Web: www.heimsnet.is/bokhald/guestasa.htm Contact/Info: gistihus@internet.is Area: Reykjanes p
Guesthouse Sunna
Reykjavik area Year round Address: Þórsgata 26 101 Reykjavík Phone: 511-5570 896-5070 Web: www.sunna.is Web: www.sunna.is Contact/Info: sunna@sunna.is Area: Reykjavik area Type: