Dreki – Ferðafél. Akureyrar/ITA
The Highland Address: Strandgata 23, 600 Akureyri 999 Hálendið Phone: 462-2720 Web: http://ffa.est.is Contact/Info: ffa@bakkar.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Álftavatn – Icelandic Touring Association
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 568-2533 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Áfangi – Upprekstrarfélag Auðkúluheiðar
The Highland Address: Stóra-Búrfell, 541 Blönduós 999 Hálendið Phone: 452-7133 854-5412 Contact/Info: afangi@emax.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Kerlingarfjöll Mountains Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Bollagarðar 6, 170 Seltjarnarnes 999 Hálendið Phone: 852-4223 664-7000 Web: www.kerlingarfjoll.is Contact/Info: info@kerlingarfjoll.is Area: The Highland T
Landmannahellir Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Lýtingsstaðir, 851 Hella 999 Hálendið Phone: 893-8407 Web: www.landmannahellir.is Contact/Info: info@landmannahellir.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping G
Landmannalaugar Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 854-1192 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Laugafell Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Strandgata 23, 600 Akureyri 999 Hálendið Phone: 854-9302 462-2720 Web: www.ffa.est.is Contact/Info: ffa@li.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Nýidalur Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 854-1194 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Þakgil – Höfðabrekkuafrétt Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Sigtún 6, 870 Vík 999 Hálendið Phone: 487-1246 893-4889 Web: www.thakgil.is Contact/Info: helga@thakgil.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Þórsmörk Húsadalur Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Vatnsmýrarvegur 10, 101 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 852-5506 580-5400 Web: www.re.is Contact/Info: main@re.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Þórsmörk, Langidalur Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 854-1191 893-1191 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Þverbrekknamúli, Bláskógabyggð Camping Ground
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 568-2533 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Camping Ground
Dyngjufell – Ferðafél. Akureyrar/ITA
The Highland Address: Strandgata 23, 600 Akureyri 999 Hálendið Phone: 462-2720 Web: http://ffa.est.is Contact/Info: ffa@bakkar.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Egilssel – Ferðafélag Fljótsdalshéraðs/ITA
The Highland Address: 700 Egilsstaðir 999 Hálendið Phone: 863-5813 Contact/Info: ferdafelag@egilsstadir.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
The Highland Address: Kjölur – Highland road, 801 Selfoss 999 Hálendið Phone: 486-8808 486-8810 Contact/Info: blaskogabyggd@blaskogabyggd.is Area: The Highland Type: Highl
Galtarárskáli – Upprekst.fél. Eyvindarstaðaheiðar
The Highland Address: Gil, 541 Blönduós 999 Hálendið Phone: 846-5545 Contact/Info: infoblonduos@northwest.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Geldingafell – Ferðafél. Fljótsdalshéraðs/ITA
The Highland Address: 700 Egilsstaðir 999 Hálendið Phone: 863-5813 Contact/Info: ferdafelag@egilsstadir.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Goðahnúkar – The Iceland Glaciological Society
The Highland Address: 125 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 525-4800 Web: www.jorfi.is Contact/Info: mtg@hi.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Grímsfjall – The Iceland Glaciological Society
The Highland Address: 125 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 525-4800 Web: www.jorfi.is Contact/Info: mtg@hi.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Hrafntinnusker – Iceland Touring Association
The Highland Address: Mörkin 6, 108 Reykjavík 999 Hálendið Phone: 568-2533 Web: www.fi.is Contact/Info: fi@fi.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage
Hungurfit – Rangárvallahreppur
The Highland Address: Laufskálar 2, 850 Hella 999 Hálendið Phone: 487-5834 Contact/Info: rang@rang.is Area: The Highland Type: Highland Cottage