Foreign Monkeys
Foreign Monkeys draw on simplicity and charisma for their fuel, and never grasp beyond their immediate reach, resulting in a satisfying, although not very surprising, modern rock r
Dr. Zühlke and Mr. Eldon
Although it occasionally shows I have a feeling I’m going to be in the minority here, but I’m going to throw it out there: Retrön may be boisterous, fun, energetic […]
Money money money money… MO-NEY
It makes the world go ‘round. It’s the root of all evil. It’s a gas. Money. You take it for granted when you have it and realise just how […]
The History of Icelandic Rock Music: Part 7
Icelandic popular music has in every major way developed similarly to pop music internationally. By 1969, Icelandic pop was – much like abroad – increasingly being divided into
They Are being watched. And killed
While some whales are being watched by curious admirers in whale watching vessels near Icelandic shores, others are less fortunate. The highly controversial Icelandic whale hunting
Thumbs Up! Hitchhiking Your Way Through Iceland
Listen: I have never hitchhiked before and I don’t really know what I’m doing. In most parts of the world (especially where I am from, Canada), hitchhiking is a downright [&hel
Lost in Translation
I couldn’t believe it; the goddamn front door to Sódóma was closed! I had thought I was an hour late, so I shat myself and ran there, dodged the tourists, […]
Taxi Driver: Moments
In the backseat there’s a traffic accident waiting to happen. Three hot properties are locked in a tongue twist of epic erotic proportions, enticing me to keep an eye off [&helli