Reuters Confirms: Government Wants New Talks Over Icesave
Reuters has confirmed that the Icelandic government is going to initiate re-negotiations with British and Dutch authorities over Icesave, in the hopes of avoiding a referendum alto
Most Believe Government Will Hold
Most Icelanders surveyed believe the ruling coalition of Social Democrats and Leftist-Greens will stand, according to the latest figures from Gallup. 48% of respondents said they b
EU: Icesave Has No Effect on Membership Process
An official for the European Union says that the Icesave controversy has no effect on the process of EU membership for Iceland. Stefan Füle, who has been nominated to oversee [&he
Ruling Coalition and Opposition “Seeking Common Ground”
Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir told reporters that leaders of all political parties in Iceland are trying to reach common ground with regards to Icesave. She added, thoug
Finance Minister Open to Re-Negotiations
Minister of Finance Steingrímur J. Sigfússon told reporters that while nothing formal has been established, he is open to the idea of re-negotiating an Icesave deal with British
40% Support Icesave Law
40% of those polled by Fréttablaðið say they support the existing Icesave law, showing a 10% increase from last autumn. As could be expected, support varies depending on what pa
Skipping the Middle Man
As a national referendum for the Icesave law looms, I have to wonder if it’s even necessary. When the president of Iceland vetoed the Icesave deal that parliament passed into
People of Iceland “Deserve Our Sympathy”
A columnist for the Guardian believes that forcing Iceland to pay for Icesave’s failure “is unfair on victims of politicians, bankers and regulators”. Ruth Suther
Doctor of International Law: Iceland Has “No Clear Obligation” to Pay Icesave
A postdoctoral fellow from the University of Cambridge has argued that Iceland’s legal obligation to pay Icesave would face considerable difficulty to prove in a court of law
Law for Referendum Passed
Parliament passed a bill into law last Friday on the officials rules for a national referendum to be held. The law, approved with 49 out of 63 votes, will lay […]
Cleaning Up The Mess
Noted political and social commentator Egill Helgason has hosted Iceland’s main political debate Show, Silfur Egils (now showing on RÚV, alongside his literary program Kiljan) f
Prime Minister Does Not Rule Out New Law
Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir told reporters that she doesn’t rule out the possibility of simply re-drafting a new Icesave law, instead of taking up a na
Independent: “Iceland Should Not Be Bullied”
British newspaper The Independent contends that “the British Government has behaved like a bully in its treatment of Iceland.” Even as many in the foreign media are err
President “No Hero”
Icelandic journalist Íris Erlingsdóttir had an article published on Huffington Post wherein she argues that Icelandic president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson is not a populist hero bu
The Polls on Icesave
New numbers are in how Icelanders feel about the president’s veto, and a possible referendum on the Icesave law. According to a poll conducted by Gallup, 51% of Icelanders po
President Ignored Prime Minister’s Pre-Veto Meeting Request
According to a statement from the office of the Prime Minister, the President ignored both a request for meeting before his veto announcement, attached to which were documents outl
Fitch Downgrade “Purely Symbolic”
An economist says that Fitch Ratings’ downgrade of Iceland into junk territory is “purely symbolic,” with no real meaning beyond that. As reported by the Wall Str
Iceland’s President Trolls Europe
Our illustrious president, Ólafur Ragnar “Epic Lulz” Grímsson, decided to purge himself of his reputation as Icelandic Venture Capitalist Cheerleader Numero Uno and vetoed th
What Would a Referendum Mean?
Now that Icelandic president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson has rejected the Icesave bill, refering it instead to national referendum, what happens next? The president’s veto power
Ruling Coalition Will Hold
Despite rumors that Icesave’s veto could instigate a collapse of the ruling coalition of Social Democrats and Leftist-Greens, the partnership will hold. In light of president
Facebook Group Calls for President’s Resignation
Within minutes of Icelandic president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson vetoing the Icesave bill, a Facebook group calling for his resignation was formed. At the time of this writing the gr