Sitting Here in Limbo
The political situation in Iceland, now that autumn will soon be upon us, can best be described as a sort of a limbo. We’ve had two very dramatic years, starting […]
Classifed Iceland
It occurred to me recently that I was in serious withdrawal from one of the most entertaining and insane places on the internet. For those of us unwilling to cross […]
Government Support Increases
Both parties in the ruling coalition increase in support, but the conservatives remain the largest party in the country, according to a new poll from Gallup. Since the previous pol
“Nearly Impossible” for Non-EEA Citizens to Get Icelandic Work Permit
It is nearly impossible for citizens outside the European Economic Area (EEA) to get a work permit in Iceland, the director of the Directorate of Labor told reporters, given the [&
Icesave Talks Begin Today
Icesave negotiations between Iceland, Holland and the UK will begin again today, the first formal talks since a referendum killed the old agreement last March. As many are undoubte
Beyond The Boom-And-Bust
Finding the silver lining around the collapse of Iceland’s economy can seem like a daunting task. However, some are taking the time to explore the alternatives
Eight Weeks Until Airwaves!
Summer is over and school is back in session, which means the party is basically over. Well, not really, it’s just on a much needed hiatus before the biggest, wildest, […]
Insol: Hátindar
A collection of the atonal yammerings of a weird, deluded shut-in, Hátindar has mostly only novelty value. The songwriting is fairly formulaic and perfunctory, and the delivery me
Iceland´s Church Reaches a Turning Point
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland has been a part of the government since the constitution established it as such in 1874. While most Icelanders are decidedly irreligious
What Are We Worth?
It is no secret that the role of newspapers today is in a state of flux. The widespread dissemination of free information on the internet, television, and radio has broadened [&hel
Big Changes in the Government Pending
According to sources close to Fréttablaðið, a number of ministers are on their way out – and some new faces are coming in – as a part of the reorganization […
Alcohol Ad Laws Tightened
A bill submitted to parliament may close loopholes that alcohol importers and manufacturers have used in the current Icelandic law banning the advertising of alcoholic beverages. T
Icelanders Are Just Happy People
Market and Media Research has done another survey on the overall happiness of Icelanders, and the results show the country just as happy as always. The poll, conducted from 13 [&he