How Many Eggs Are In A Presidential Pancake?
“This so-called social media has transformed our democratic institutions in such a way that what takes place in more traditional institutions of power—congress, minis-tries, ev
Mayor Wants To Marry Couples
Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr has formally asked for an exception to the law, so that he may preside over marrying couples both gay and straight. As it is now, only […]
Says EU Will Make No Comment On Whaling
Minister of Foreign Affairs Össur Skarphéðinsson told reporters that the European Union will not say anything about whaling when they go over the environmental agreement portion
More Noise, Please!
Grab your battery powered toys, alarm clocks, household gadgets and instruments and get ready to RAWK like a robot. LornaLAB invites you to share ideas and knowledge with other gee
Hope Is Like A Dog Bitten By A Sheep
Multi-Instrumentalist and songwriter Gímaldin recorded in Russia for a while, but is now back at home among friends, some of whom have made an album with him. Few lyricists workin
Wants Changes To Child Sex Crime Laws
Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson is proposing a bold change to sex crime laws in Iceland regarding children – one that child and sexual abuse experts have long ca
Iceland “No Tax Paradise For Polluters”
At least one heavy industry company in Iceland is outraged by a recent raise in “carbon dioxide tax”, which they say will badly damage their business. Ministe
Hostel Wins Innovation Award
A relatively new guest hostel in Reykjavík has won the Icelandic Travel Industry Association’s (SAF) innovation award, and the winner will likely surprise few Grapevine read
Unemployed To Receive December Bonus
Iceland’s unemployed who meet the required pre-conditions will receive a generous bonus in time for the holidays. With about 12,000 Icelanders on the unemployment roles survi
Fishy Business!
It was a Thursday night and my options were to have a nice, quiet night in watching ‘The Good Wife’ or go to a gig by the mighty totems of […]
Iceland As It Should Be
“Is he Swiss?” asks a person in the back row. “No, I think he‘s Estonian,” replies another. The man on the stage is, as it happens, Icelandic, and is per-forming [&hellip
Wave Of Protest
At of the time of writing the Icelandic ‘pots and pans movement’, which can also be labeled the Icelandic indignados movement, has once again confronted the government, the IMF
Drug Shortage Underlines Lack Of Competition
A shortage of Iceland’s favourite painkiller – ibuprofen – is a symptom of a much larger problem, The Icelandic National Audit Office says: the lack of competitio
Betri Reykjavík Website May Break Privacy Laws
Betri Reykjavík Website May Break Privacy Laws A political scientist believes the format of the website Betri Reykjavík may violate Icelandic laws regarding individual privacy. T
Environmental Watchdog Site Hacked
The website of a local environmental watchdog group was hacked after they posted the results of their first meeting, in which they criticised the proposed expansion of the industri
Icelander Using Medical Marijuana
An Icelander living in Akureyri is using marijuana for medical reasons, although there are no medical suppliers of the substance. Grímur Freyr Hoffman Björnsson was perscribed ma
When Two Become One
Those who are yet to give up on Icelandic media cannot have avoided noticing one Kristján Már Unnarsson, a news director and journalist at TV station Stöð 2. Kristján, who [&h
Ham: Svik, Harmur Og Dauði
A juggernaut doesn’t have to be going at 100mph to squish you flat: the inexorable push forward of a 25mph roar is going to do the job slower, and furthermore […]
Will The Next Bishop Be A Woman?
While the church struggles to re-invent itself after grossly mishandling a sex scandal within its walls, the demand for the next bishop of Iceland to be a woman appears to [&hellip
Just As Many Foreigners Coming To Iceland As Leaving
Despite a slowly recovering economy that still has a ways to go, the number of foreigners moving to Iceland is about equal to the number leaving. Experts at the Directorate [&helli
Gender Wage Gap Still Profound
There remains a sizable difference in the average wages of men and women working the same jobs, according to the latest Gallup poll on the matter. The poll, conducted on […]