Robbery By Math
It is the things that we think we understand that inevitably catch us unawares. We all know what loans are, and what mortgages mean, so we don’t bother questioning them […
Don´t Ask Nanna
Disclaimer: This is The Grapevine’s BAD ADVICE column. It’s where Nanna Árnadóttir answers questions from our readers about traversing the Icelandic cultural jungle. She is u
Wants Iceland To Recognise Armenian Genocide
Icelandic members of parliament have submitted a proposal calling for the government to formally acknowledge the genocide of Armenians committed by the Ottoman Empire in the early
Lake Öskjuvatn No Longer Ice-Covered
East Iceland’s volcanic crater lake Öskjuvatn thawed over in March, an unusually early time for the surface ice to melt, possibly indicating evidence of seismic activity. La
Emigration From Iceland Relatively Little
A new report shows that emigration from Iceland since the financial collapse has been relatively small compared to other times in the country’s history of past economic troub
Icelanders No Longer Happiest In The World
In breaking with a long-standing trend, Icelanders are no longer among the happiest people in the world, but other Scandinavian countries remain in the top of the list. Year after
Being Vegetarian In Iceland
After a few weeks in Reykjavík, I immediately felt welcome, and it was easy to adjust to everyday life. As a vegetarian, however, I struggled a bit to find exciting […]
Government Hits Near-Record Low In Support
The ruling coalition of Social Democrats and Leftist-Greens has reached a new low in terms of levels of support, while the Independence Party continues to grow. As RÚV points out,
Black Death Beer Ban Overturned
The beer Black Death, previously banned for sale in Iceland by The State Alcohol and Tobacco Company of Iceland (ÁTVR), will be made available for sale after all. As reported, [&h
Year In Prison For ATM Scam
Two brothers were sentenced to a year in prison for an elaborate ATM scam that hit Reykjavík in late February. RÚV reports that the two brothers executed the scam at […]
Winners Of Músíktilraunir Announced
The Músíktilraunir band competition held its finals round last Saturday. The competition, intended to unearth new and undiscovered talent who show considerable promise of a brigh
April Fool’s News Round-Up
As per tradition in Iceland, many if not most media outlets reported false news stories as April Fool’s Day jokes yesterday. DV ran the story that Reykjavík city councilpers
Icelanders Slow To Complete University
In comparison to other nations within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Icelanders take considerably longer than average to finish their university
Nine girls walk into a studio and improv for seven hours, using only their voices. What do you get? A 40-minute studio album of improvised a capella. Sounds like a […]
Since the local fish factory in Stöðvarfjörður closed down in 2005 and its 32 employees lost their jobs, the eastern municipality of roughly 200 people has faced a serious decl