One Day in Ísafjörður
Read the article. The Back Streets of Ísafjörður dayotour was provided by Air Iceland. Book trip your trip here.
Ísafjörður, City Of Mystery
On the descent into Ísafjörður, decades’ worth of glacial labour is plainly visible. The small burg, named after the fjord it lies in, is surrounded by tall mountains and look
Horsing Around
If you like watching documentaries about horses in Iceland, ‘Herd In Iceland’ might just be the documentary for you!Filmmakers Lindsay Blatt and Paul Taggart are currently comp
The Royal Swimming Hall
The most popular public institutions in Iceland are probably the swimming pools. We have a lot of them in the greater Reykjavík area and if you venture to the countryside [&hellip
Immigration Directorate In Crisis
The Directorate of Immigration is facing “unacceptable” working conditions, says the director. The Ministry of the Interior has promised to conclude a review soon. Immi
Geese Cause Traffic Accident
Animals have once again wreaked havoc on downtown traffic, as a flock of geese caused one injury and two damaged cars on Hringbraut last night. Vísir reports that the geese [&hell
Methane Use Growing Though Price Increasing
The price of methane for cars per cubic metre has risen, but so has the demand for the gas. Iceland’s experiment with introducing more methane hybrid cars to the country̵
Biking In Reykjavík Is Underrated
Reykjavík may not be the most bike- friendly city, but it certainly has some beautiful routes where cars are not welcome. For a particularly nice scenic ride that’s fewer than [
Slippbarinn: A Bar For Nerds
Slippbarinn isn’t one of the pubs you might stumble into downtown in the midst of a weekend drunken reverie. Rather, it’s a classy little place found by the harbour, in [&helli
Prison Warden Going To Prison
The former warden of Kvíabryggja prison has been found guilty of fraud and embezzlement, and was sentenced to eight months in prison. Geirmundur Vilhjálmsson, during his time as
Conservatives Establish Libertarian Centre
Some of Iceland’s more prominent conservatives have established a libertarian “research centre” with the purported mission to fight for market freedom and against
No Alcohol At Nursing Home
A nursing home which has sought to be allowed to sell beer and wine to its residents has been denied a permit on technical grounds. While the idea has been […]
Guardian Of The Red Sands
Every day, Ástþór Skúlason hears the buzz of the electric lift that helps him climb into his tractor. That momentary whirring—a noise that means the paralyzed sheep farmer ca
Foreigners On The Frontlines Of Whaling Battle
“Quick! We’re missing them!” 22-year-old Jongmi Lim says. A herd of six baby-faced volunteers hustle across the harbour toward the group of tourists leaving their whale watch
So Whats This Feminist Utopia I Keep Hearing About?
Many generations ago the population was struck by a plague that afflicted males solely, wiping them out and leaving only women. To avoid extinction, women developed parthenogenesis
Things They Like About Reykjavík
Sif Arnarsdóttir – Marathon Runner I think I’d have to say Sushi Samba since I’m planning to go there in few days. But Tapashúsið, Sjávarkjallarinn, Fiskifél
Filipina Could Be Deported On Monday
A young woman from the Philippines whose entire surviving family lives in Iceland could be deported on Monday back to a country where she knows no one. Morgunblaðið reports on [&
Icelandic Police Finalists In International Competition
The Reykjavík area police are finalists in an international competition regarding how police use the internet to stay in communication with each other and the community. The Conne
Considering Toilet Fee
A shop owner in Borgarfjörður has grown weary of tour buses stopping at his shop for the sole purpose of letting tourists use his bathroom. Baula, the shop in question, […
In a swanky office at ad agency Jónsson & Le’macks, we sit down with Sigurður Oddsson. We’re there to talk to him about Holster, a joint venture between three you
All Hail To The Technobaron
The word “legend” is thrown around a lot these days, especially to hype up various over-the-hill groups riding the retro gravy train to Iceland, all with the purpose of parting