An Icy Embrace
Through the window a black tide stoically holds its line against the frenzied melee of the North Atlantic Ocean. The tide is frozen in time; the vanguard of ancient lava […]
Icelander Killed In Tulsa
An 18-year-old Icelandic boy was shot and killed during an argument in the parking lot of a convenience store in Tulsa, Oklahoma early Saturday morning. Local news reports that the
ISPs Considering Blocking Porn And Gambling Sites – UPDATED
Two of Iceland’s major internet service providers are considering blocking access to porn sites, gambling sites, and related sites for “safety reasons”. While the
Tropical Storm Headed For Iceland
Tropical storm Leslie is currently making its way north, and could reach Iceland by the end of the week. The storm, which originated in the Caribbean, has been arching its [&hellip
Reykjavík, We Need To Talk…
Comedienne DeAnne Smith has some straight talking to share with RVK*Turns head, looks the other way.* … … Oh, hey. Sorry. I didn’t see you there, Reykjavík. I me
News In Brief: Early September
Good news for those who are bound to the bus when it comes to travel: municipal bus service now extends across the country. If you live in the capital area, […]
Sour Grapes & Stuff
Most Awesome Letter of the Issue Dear Grapevine I would like to respond to a complaint letter in your 12th edition regarding our Icelandic Puffin Eggs – Milk chocolate treats
EMP To Discuss Whaling In Iceland
One of the European Union parliament’s most senior members will be going whale watching in Iceland today, and using the opportunity to discuss whaling, Iceland and the EU. Th
Waiting For Bobby Fischer
Bobby Fischer was late as usual. Apart from playing chess rather well and not liking Jews very much, it was probably the trait he was best known for. He arrived […]
From Chess Board To Sound Board
In September 1972, Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky were in Reykjavík for the World Chess Championship, pitted against each other in what would come to be known as the Match [&hell
Lost And Found
After an incredible summer with record hours of sunshine, autumn arrived quite abruptly last week with markedly colder temperatures and rain—lots and lots of rain. While I typic
Nordic Partnership To Defend Icelandic Airspace Underway
A new agreement is currently in the works between Finland, Sweden and Norway regarding the joint defence of Iceland’s airspace. While Iceland is a NATO country, it does not h
Hospital Director Receives Controversial Pay Rise
The director of the National Hospital has recently been granted a pay rise of nearly half a million ISK. The Minister of Welfare says the rise was in keeping with […]
New Zealanders Take Part In Sheep Slaughter
A group of New Zealanders who have come to Iceland each fall to take part in the annual sheep slaughter have returned. Now that autumn is upon us, thousands of […]
Mayor Celebrates Alcohol Service At Nursing Home
Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr was at the home for the elderly Hrafnista today for the ribbon-cutting of their new dance hall, replete with the alcohol they have been newly permitted
Emma Watson Takes Exception To Whale And Puffin
Actress Emma Watson, who was recently in Iceland for the filming of the movie Noah, shared some of her thoughts about Iceland with David Letterman. The actress described the countr
New Zealand Lamb To Be Imported To Iceland
For the first time since the Settlement, lamb from abroad will be imported to Iceland as part of a consumer experiment. Among Iceland’s proudest resources is its lamb, of whi
Icelandic Artist Moving To South American Jungle
Artist Snorri Ásmundsson has announced that he is moving to the rain forests of Suriname, and is selling his works to help fund the trip. Snorri is a conceptual artist, […]
Do Icelanders Need More Ayn Rand In Their Lives?
As Iceland struggles to emerge from an economic depression brought on in part by lax government regulation, Professor Hannes Hólmsteinn Gissurason says Icelanders need more Ayn Ra
Attack On Child Likely A Hoax
On a bizarre turn of events, it now appears that a widely-reported brutal assault of a six-year-old boy may have been the invention of the sole witness of the event. […]