Is Reykjavík The Best City To Spend Christmas?
According to CNN it is. They’ve said so at least twice. In 2010 they put Reykjavík at the top of their “Top 10 Places to Spend your Christmas” list and […]
Two Dairy Farms Shut Down Due To Unsanitary Conditions
Two dairy farms in west Iceland have been closed due to the deplorable conditions in which the cows there were forced to live. The two farms in question are Ingunnarstaðir [&helli
So What’s This Facebook Ban on Icelandic Feminists I Keep Hearing About?
Not all Icelandic feminists. Just one feminist: Hildur Lilliendahl Viggósdóttir, who was recently honoured by Stígamót, the leading Icelandic organisation against sexual
Pour Out Thy Wrath
“The compulsory transfer of the Arabs from the valleys of the proposed Jewish state could give us something which we have never had, even when we stood on our own […]
What Do You Really Know About The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict?
The latest conflict between Israel and Palestine seemed to be distinctly black and white for the majority of Icelanders. It was striking to see the significantly biased responses t
Of Monsters And Men Take Manhattan, The Rest Of The U.S.
Of Monsters and Men are Iceland’s biggest new band in years—and very likely the fastest rising stars of Icelandic music, ever. They have fulfilled that eternally elusive, almos
Some Ministers Concerned About Oil Rush
Two government ministers have expressed caution and strong environmental concerns about a possible drilling for oil in Icelandic waters. As reported, the Dragon Area, located in th
Hells Angels And Iceland To EFTA Court
The international motorcycle club Hells Angels are planning to take the government to court, over what they contend is a violation of the European Free Trade Agreement (EFTA). Last
Arsenic In Some Foods Sold In Iceland
In light of new research to come out of the US about arsenic in food, the Consumer Association has issued a public warning about some foods sold in Iceland. Consumer […]
Objections Made To Animal Protection Bill
Some 1,400 signatures were submitted to the Minister of Industries and Innovation, raising objections to an omnibus animal welfare bill submitted by the government. The bill in que
Police To Take Action Against Racial Abuse
A video uploaded to Facebook of an Icelander yelling racial abuse at a group of Asian youths has prompted a police investigation. The incident in question, Vísir reports, took pla
Children Moved From Homes For Being Too Overweight
There have been cases where children were temporarily moved from their homes for, among other reasons, being overweight. Nearly a quarter of nine-year-old children in the greater R
Icelandic Oil Rush Begins
As international interest in Iceland’s oil potential grows, foreign companies are taking a closer look and buying drilling licences. The Dragon Area, located in the northeast
Justice Delayed, Justice Denied
Why would people who have escaped their homelands to seek asylum in Iceland want to leave again? Didn’t they come to live the good life? To enjoy Western freedom and [&hellip
Huang Nubo Just Wants It To End
Chinese entrepreneur Huang Nubo no longer cares about the ultimate outcome of his proposed land deal in Iceland, and believes prejudice has hindered his plans for development. As r
Homegrowing Confounds Police
The new ways in which marijuana is being homegrown are making it more difficult for police to find it, the head of the police drug unit says. Scarcely ten years […]
Iceland Now Slightly Less Corrupt
Iceland has improved its corruption standing since last year, Transparency International reports, but is still far below where it used to be only seven years ago. Transparency Inte
EVE Online Releases Expansion
The MMORPG EVE Online has released their 18th expansion pack, Retribution. EVE Online, probably CCP Games’ best known product, is an online video game that takes place in a f
Mayor To Raise Money For Mental Health Organisation
Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr will get into costume as an Icelandic jólasveinn to raise money for the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp). The mayor is no stranger to wear
Icelandic Foreign Minister Condemns New Settlement
Iceland’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said Israel was “punishing” Palestine for attaining symbolic statehood by building settlements which are likely to only incr
More Expensive To Use Icelandic Letters
It costs more to send a text message using Icelandic characters than one using only the Latin alphabet, due to technical reasons. Those using mobile phones in Iceland capable of [&