Askasleikir Unveils New Omaggio Askur
The sixth Yule Lad, Askasleikir (Bowl Licker), unveiled the newest addition to the Omaggio design family at the much-anticipated Kähler holiday event last night. Several rumours h
UN Expert Suggests Debt Relief For Renters
Urges founding Independent National Human Rights Institution -- Highlights Renters, Foreigners And Children As Vulnerable GroupsCorrection: This story’s headline was correcte
Two Minutes Of Silence To Commemorate First Rate Health Care
For two minutes on Tuesday, Jón Þór Ólafsson, member of Alþingi on behalf of the Pirate Party, stood silent by Alþingi’s podium, to commemorate first rate healthcare in
Weird Icelandic Spirits Revealed
Artist releases book of oil paintings based on historical creature sightingsIf you’re interested in “Icelandic stuff” (which let’s face it, you probably are
In Pictures: Snowstorm Strikes Reykjavík
One brave Grapevine Staffer, Jón Benediktsson, left the safety of the indoors to capture images of what Reykjavík looked like around noon today. As reported, the capital city ha
All Roads In And Out Of Reykjavík Are Closed
Due to another snow storm, roads in Reykjavík are either closed or very dangerous to drive on, reports the Icelandic Road and Coastal Administration. All roads leading in and out
Making Love With Kría Brekkan
On November’s last Saturday night, Kría Brekkan manufactured romance to an audience of dance enthusiasts at Boston, ending the Reykjavík Dance Festival with a glowing passion.
WAR ON CHRISTMAS: Finally, An Icelandic Front
Anyone who’s followed American politics, or switched to Fox News over the holidays, knows that a full blown war is raging at this very moment: The War On Christmas. On […]
At Xmas, we stuff ourselves good ‘n’ bloated... The children were nestled all snug in their beds, while visions of sugarplums danced in their heads. And their teeny-tiny bellie
Icelandic Christmas Buffet at Skrúður
Skrúður at Hótel SagaSkrúður is an institution in family-friendly Christmas buffets. There are fancier buffets, there are more innovative buffets, but I was interested in this
Picks By Local Authors: Read These Books!
Some of our favourite local writers recommend some of their favourite local books (that are available in English) for your benefit! Hallgrímur Helgason Award winning author, paint
Pottaskefill Publishes Neo-Luddite Manifesto
The fifth Yule Lad, Pottaskefill (Pot Scraper) published an anti-technology manifesto yesterday, which he plans to hand to MP Vilhjálmur Bjarnason at Alþingi today. “I have bee
Statistics Iceland: 447.000 Icelanders By 2065
By 2065 there will be more Icelanders to love, 447.000 in total according to a new report from Statistics Iceland. The report includes national projections for the size and structu
Nordic Artists Speak Out Against Drastic Icelandic Budget Cuts
Billedkunstnernes Forbund (Danish Visual Artists) and Konstnärernas Riksorganisation (Swedish Artist’s Organisation) have sent requests to the Icelandic parliament, urging t
Laugasel: 2,000 Football Fields Under A New Ecovillage
Last January, Þórarinn Einarsson announced on Facebook that he had acquired a 1368 hectare (3380 acres) uninhabited plot of land in the North of Iceland, to share with others int
Wanted: The Icelandic Christmas Mood
When they stop stacking the Rjómi (heavy cream) neatly on the supermarket shelves, you know Christmas is just around the corner. The Rjómi hasn’t disappeared though. Entering t
Deep, Throated Passion
Taking all of Sun Kil Moon at FríkirkjanThe arsenic content of an apple could be something like .000000023 ppb*, I figured, observing the seeds I spat out of a particularly [&hell
Holiday Opening Hours
Your Grapevine GuideIf you are a tourist stranded in Iceland over the holiday season, you may find yourself hard pressed to come up with activities to engage in, as the […]
The Sinister Christmas Clan Of Iceland
In Iceland, there is no Santa Claus. Instead, there are thirteen “jólasveinar,” which can be translated to “Yule Lads.” They live in mountains and hike to town, one by one
Þvörusleikir Shares Top 5 Holiday Uses For Wooden Spoons
The holiday season is a crazy time and a lot of us have problems keeping up with all the things we need to get done in time for Christmas. This […]
Foreign Minister Defends Barbershop UN Conference
In an interview with the Independent, Foreign Minister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson has defended what critics called a “men-only” UN conference on gender equality. Gunnar Bra