News: The Top Stories, July 14th–July 27th
It’s been a dry two weeks here up North, news wise, and for a weekend the weather decided to mirror the country’s peaceful state of affairs with a sunny demeanour […]
Iceland To Import Minke Whale Meat As Not Enough Are Hunted
Only 17 minke whales have been caught in Iceland so far this year, which means that whale meat will have to be imported from Norway to meet demand, reports RÚV. […]
Öskjuhlíð: The Pearl of Reykjavík
To many, Perlan (“the Pearl”) looks like a giant nipple, a feminine counterpart to the phallic symbolism of the Hallgrímskirkja church. It is one of Reykjavik’s best-known l
Ask A Scientist: Are The Northern Lights Radioactive?
If you didn’t grow up with the Northern Lights shining above you, the first few times you see them take your breath away. Even if you know they’re just charged […]
Buy Shit: Independent People, YPSILON, Craft Beer & More
A puffin fridge magnet won’t get you drunk, or enlighten you to the Icelandic national character, will it? Independent People by Halldór Laxness If you want to know the nature [
Population of Iceland Increases to 344,000!
The number of people living in Iceland increased by 3,850 during the 2nd quarter of 2017, according to Statistics Iceland, making us a whopping 343,960! The number of males is [&he
Ask An Astronomer: Do The Clocks Change In Iceland
The short answer is no. Here’s Dr Þorsteinn Sæmundsson from Almanak Háskóla Íslands (University of Iceland Almanac) with the long answer: Daylight saving time was first intr