Well, You Asked: The Cleanest Country On Earth
Answers to the confused Finns visiting Iceland
Why don’t Icelanders use bidet showers?
Some Finnish friends of mine have noticed that Icelandic bathrooms don’t include a bidet shower. And no, they’re not talking about the bulky and inconvenient porcelain bidets, or the crazy Japanese toilets that are designed to clean the critical areas after taking a dump. No, said Finns are talking about the good old “bum guns”, the small shower heads found beside many Finnish toilets.
[su_pullquote]As the Icelandic winter draws in we’re reaching for our comfy traditional lopapeysa sweaters, the beautiful woollen garments which have been keeping Icelanders warm for generations. They’re available for international delivery through our online shop, and ours are hand-knitted right here in Iceland from local wool.[/su_pullquote]
My simple answer to their question is that Icelanders don’t need bidet showers in order to be clean. After all, this country is as clean as it gets. Think about it! The water running down the rivers and from the taps is some of the cleanest worldwide. The air that Icelanders breathe is fresh and crisp, nothing like the polluted air in the world’s largest cities. On top of that, Iceland has an abundance of clean energy to work with.
It goes without saying that when you utilise the purest commodities in the world, it is absolutely unnecessary to use a bidet shower after taking a number two. When your body is surrounded and saturated by cleanliness, nothing that comes out of it will be able to mess things up.
Why is the rush hour so dreadful in Reykjavík?
The same Finnish friends were flabbergasted by the daily traffic jams in Reykjavík. I’ll make it simple: You have money. You buy a car. You sit happily in the traffic and laugh at people waiting for a bus outside in horrible weather. You feel superior. That’s it.