Sónar Reykjavík, the Icelandic installment of the long-running annual festival celebrating music and multimedia arts in Barcelona, took place this past weekend at the Harpa concert hall.
The two-day event featured a long list of Icelandic and international acts, mostly showcasing electronic music, like Diamond Version, Squarepusher, and GusGus; with some more mainstream additions sprinkled into the mix along the lines of radio’s sweetheart Ásgeir Trausti, and fan favourite Mugison.
The festival was spread out over four main spaces in the expansive venue, with hoards of eager concertgoers moving freely (or not so freely, as the masses squeezed together tightly fighting to get into the hall ahead of GusGus and Squarepusher) between acts.
Expect complete Sónar coverage from the Grapevine online soon!
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