The Reykjavik Grapevine

Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir Does A Little, Farewell Dance

As the new coalition government officially took power yesterday, the outgoing Prime Minister’s office released a video where Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir dances off the stage.
The video, which can be seen here, is a 7 minute farewell gag, which opens with a reference to the Danish series Borgen and features among other things a miniature bomb disposal robot that goes around the Prime Minister’s Office asking if anyone has seen a bomb — a send-up to last year’s planting of a bomb outside the same office. 
Jóhanna’s dance can be viewed directly by scrolling to the last 30 seconds of the video. While it is debatable whether Pressan’s comparison of the dance to something out of a Quentin Tarantino film is accurate, Jóhanna’s movements are undoubtedly more elaborate (though perhaps less spontaneous) than her last public jig, which she held in celebration of the Icesave decision.
Meanwhile, President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson met with the ministers of the outgoing government at Bessastaðir yesterday in their final meeting before formally handing over power to the new coalition.

While she wished the new government well, Jóhanna told RÚV that she thought their new agreement, signed on Tuesday, was “evasive, unclear and lacking in focus” and compared it to her government’s initial 100 day plan in which 48 projects were outlined, further adding that “most of them were carried out.”