The Reykjavik Grapevine

Icelandic Cuisine Complimented In The Telegraph

Icelandic cuisine received rave reviews from The Telegraph’s Diana Henry yesterday.
After deciding on a culinary journey to Iceland, Henry begins by dismissing the notion that all Icelanders do is eat whale and puffin.
“Yeah, and they all believe in trolls. Minke whale does appear on menus, but most Icelanders I met don’t eat it.” she wrote.
Rather Henry was impressed by “sound” home-cooked dishes such as lamb stew, salt-cod gratin and reindeer with berries.
Henry said the lamb was the finest she ever tasted and that the best young chefs were headlining Icelandic produce, ignoring imported goods in order to extract flavour from even the humblest foods Iceland’s harsh nature has to offer.