Get Ready To Pay For Geysir

Landowners of the Geysir area have decided to charge visitors to access the popular tourist destination, expect fees before summer reports Vísir.

Garðar Eiríksson, spokesperson for the land owner’s group told Vísir that the entrance fee is necessary to maintain the area in its original state.

“We need to step in, not later but right away.” said Eiríksson.

Minister of Industry and Commerce, Ragnheiður Elín Árnadóttir, has expressed a desire to charge entrance fees to popular tourist sites and preferably before summer.

Eiríksson has confirmed that the price of admission will not exceed 1000 ISK and that the price will apply to Icelanders as well as foreign travellers. “Footsteps are just as heavy, whether they are an Icelander’s or a German’s.”

Eiríksson added that the landowners do not believe the fee will deter visitors and do not fear a dip in popularity.

See Also:

Pay Per View

The Toll On Nature

Government To Charge For Iceland’s Nature