The Reykjavik Grapevine

Toggi – Puppy

Toggi has spent the last three years honing his début album and it shows. The first single, Heart in Line, is a polished melancholy acoustic pop tune – complete with a full-blown string chorus. These 12 songs are well-written, well-executed and well… not that memorable. It’s a great modern mystery how Coldplay have become the world’s biggest band but it’s not a great mystery where Toggi gets his inspiration from – although Travis would be a better comparison. But he has a knack for writing good pop tunes and the lyrics have the necessary ingredients of sadness, sorrow and regret. Toggi’s voice is perfectly suited for these songs and the production – including the pretty booklet – is excellent. It’s just that all this feels so harmless somehow. I’m sure a fair number of songs will become big radio hits and a fair number of lonely people will sing along – but that’s as far as it will go. PH