The Swedes Take Háskólabíó
Thank God for film festivals. Háskólabíó will be treating us to a Nordic film festival from the 5th to the 15th of November. On offer are four Swedish films; One of them is the typically joyful Midsommar, about a 19 year old student who whose sister commits suicide under mysterious circumstances. Lighter fare includes Smala Sussie, about a man who returns to his hometown to find his sister and finds that things have changed, Miffo, about a priest desperately trying to get church attendance up, and Kops, the follow up to Swedish-Lebanese director Joesef Fares 2000 hit Jalla Jalla.
Norway is represented by Buddy, a film about a man whose diaries became a surprise hit, and Mors Elling, the sequel to the surprisingly funny Elling from 2001. And that´s, er, it. The Swedes and the Norwegians are on a roll these days, and the absence of Danes can be excused with the recent Danish film festival in Regnboginn. But where are the Finns? Hopefully, the Swedish-Finnish Populærmusikk fran Vittula, based on Mikael Niemi´s wonderful book of the same name, will be upon these shores before too long. Meanwhile, a little taste of Sweden is a welcome diversion from the regular Hollywood fare.