The Viking Giant Show
This band started as a solo-project of Heiðar Örn Kristjánsson, singer of popular alternative-rock band Botnleðja. In the past few years, Heiðar managed to gather a bunch of friends around him, so that Viking Giant Show became a real band by now. In contrast to Botnleðja’s heavy rock riffs, this four piece recorded a comfortable Alternative-Country record. You find steel guitars, decent Boom-Chicka-Boom drumming, and occasional trumpets. The result is sometimes beautiful as “Don’t Believe” and “New Year’s”, sometimes driving like “The Funeral” or “Hope You Find Your Needle”, but always relaxed and emotional. You could only accuse The Viking Giant Show of being too unimaginative. Not all of the songs on this record are interesting, not all of the melodies are really catchy, and sometimes the band seems to be stuck in clichés. Anyway, The Lost Garden Of The Hooligans has its good moments, which definitely makes it worth a listen.
- The Viking Giant Show at MySpace Click here!