The Reykjavik Grapevine

Kaffi Sólon

Location, location, location. Kaffi Sólon is a big, friendly space with a big upstairs bar and possibly the best window for people watching in Reykjavík. Originally a paint store, then a bistro-cum-jazz club cum art venue, it floundered until it hit the right note going smartly as an “international hang.” Its typical devotee appears to be young, well-dressed vagabonds in their 20s, joined by all ages of travellers or the occasional local looking for a place to eat breakfast on Sunday. Boasting a friendly, hip ambience with a wi-fi hotspot, a rack of well-stocked magazines is designed for browsing at your table, art on the walls, Sólon reminds me of the Newsroom in Los Angeles; with avant-garde glossies from Europe with names you’ve never heard of and outrageous covers replacing Hollywood trades.
Sólon’s success besides location, is its high comfort level. Despite its frantic nightlife, everybody’s welcome. You want to sip tea and write poetry all afternoon, no problem! The eats are eclectic. Be it burgers, burritos, quiche, tex mex or risotto, Icelandic monkfish, lamb. There are spicy noodle-based dishes big enough to feed two hungry people. You can sip on whatever you can afford, from Veuve Clicquote champagne to Carlsberg. Sólon is open Mon-Thursday  from 11 – 01. Friday and Saturday from 11 – 05,30.  Sunday from 12 – 01. $$-$$$
Kaffi Sólon, Bankastræti 7a, Tel: 562-3232