The Reykjavik Grapevine


Puffin Hunting Not Really Banned

The hunting of puffins in the Westman Islands has not been banned,
despite a statement from town officials to that effect which was
released yesterday.
A statement to the effect of the decision was sent by the Office of Environment for the town of Heimaey, on the islands. Heimaey mayor Elliði Vignisson told Morgunblaðið that the statement the town released was to prevent the illegal hunting of puffins until the season begins on 1 July. At that time, the town will make a decision on whether or not to allow puffin hunting.
The mayor said that puffin hunting had been severely limited in recent years due to declining numbers, but emphasized that this wasn’t due to overhunting but to natural causes.
Puffin hunting is very popular on the islands during the summer, as well as the hunting of auks and the collection of their eggs.