Listen, if you’re feeling…smooth. Don’t, if you want to think.
Singer María Magnúsdóttir’s début is gutsy. A flowing blend of funk, soul, jazz and pop, the album has a sexy sound to it, a kind of long glances over a candle-lit dinner sort of ambiance, which is easy to listen to. She has a great voice, full of feeling that she uses to good effect throughout the album, frequently busting out dive-like moans that seem to come straight from her heart. The lyrics are catchy and well-designed for radio play. There are probably a few hits in there, even. Unfortunately, the album is let down somewhat by the pseudo-feminism of the title track, which goes for meaningful social commentary but hits cheesy, out-dated girl power instead. If she wanted to make a feminist statement about the role of women in modern society she missed her mark, rather sounding like Amy Winehouse if she was a Spice Girl.
- MySpace mariamagnusdottir