Berndsen: Lover in the Dark (2009)

Unlike the national potato harvest, 2009 saw Iceland produce a glut of releases from Electronic pop/dance acts. But with so many contemporaries sporting drum machines as accessories, it can certainly be difficult to get oneself noticed amongst all the synthesizer noise. Berndsen will certainly attract a lot of attention from his style. From the Ginger beard, sequined headband and Day-Glo pink outfit he sports on the album sleeve, Berndsen looks every inch like a transgendered womble.
Alas, I wish his music was as striking as his Cosplay attire. His debut album is chock full with retro synthpop and sparkly smiley shit. And yes, the corrosive abhorrence that is Supertime is on here too. The problem is that most of it is just too superficial and light and positively wilts when you compare it to the competition. There are a couple of high notes. Both Lover in the Dark and Dark Times are good strong pop tunes. But the rest of it will only grab people who still go wet for Morten Hagens dressed in PVC.