Atli Gíslason wants new elections if MPs don’t press charges
Left Green MP Atli Gíslason bids Alþingi to press charges against four former ministers implicated for their role in Iceland’s financial crisis. If they cannot take responsibility for doing this, Gíslason believes there should be new parliamentary elections, according to ví
Atli Gíslason is chairman of the Parliamentary Review Committee, which was commissioned to recommend pressing charges against ministers who failed to fulfill their ministerial responsibilities in the wake of the crash.
The law about ministerial responsibility states that ministers are accountable for not only their actions, but also their lack of actions, which contribute to putting the nation into foreseeable danger.
Gíslason believes former Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde, former Minister of Finance Árni M. Mathiesen, former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir, and former Minister of Business Affairs Björgvin G. Sigurðsson are guilty of this.
For the time being, Alþingi continues to debate the matter.