Paul Ramses Running for President of Iceland
Paul Ramses, arguably Iceland’s most famous asylum seeker, has announced that he is running for president of Iceland.
Ramses fled to Iceland from Kenya in January 2008, seeking asylum here. When he was deported to Italy, separating him from his wife and newborn child, his case drew national attention, and pressure was put on the government for his return. He was eventually brought back to Iceland, and a few months ago was granted citizenship.
Ramses apparently is taking his new home to heart. While elections are still two years away, that isn’t stopping Ramses from getting a head start.
Speaking to the magazine Séð og Heyrt, Ramses says that he feels sorry for Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir, saying that the Independence Party had 18 years to ruin the country, and people are angry that she hasn’t fixed everything in two years. He intends to live in Iceland for the rest of his life, and in following Icelandic politics, decided to run for president.
“I’ve already written my acceptance speech,” he says in part. “That time will undoubtedly come.”
He added that he intends to personally increase the republic by having ten more children. “I’m African,” he said. “I want 12 children. So I have ten to go.”
If you wish to show your support for Paul Ramses’ presidential aspirations, or just get to know the guy better, you can find him on Facebook. Speaking candidly, I can think of no better person for the office of president of Iceland.