Expert To Discuss Island Nations And The EU

A specialist in European law as it pertains to island nations will be giving a lecture today at the University of Iceland.
A statement from the event organisers states:

Professor Asin Cabrera has specialised in the costs related to the disadvantages of insularity and the way EU law deals with State islands and ultra-peripherical regions. Originally from Tenerife, she is Professor of International Law and has been an advisor to the Canarias government for EU affairs as well as participated in many international seminars relating to insularity and European law. She is visiting Iceland for a week with a grant from the ERASMUS programme.
In her view, more focus needs to be placed on the diversity of the islands, pointing out the differences between mountainous islands, sparsely populated islands and archipelagos containing two or more islands, all of which must be taken into account. We might need a single roadmap designed to improve the way in which island regions are dealt with in European law. The objective is to improve cohesion, based on the principle of regional continuity, enabling the inhabitants of islands to enjoy full EU citizenship without suffering any discrimination.
Iceland should know what are the current issues discussed at European level concerning a future islands policy. Some questions are essential for the EU accession negotiations:
Can State islands such as Malta, Cyprus and/or Iceland enjoy the same status as some ultra-peripherical regions?
Can we increase flexibility, adapt the principle of proportionality and have a fresh look on transborder cooperation in EU law?
What is for sure is that we need to overcome the limitations stemming from insularity and provide a coherent response in European law and within the EU to all the problems that the islands face.

The lecture will take place at 15:00 today, in room 102 of the Gimli building. All are welcome to attend.