The Reykjavik Grapevine

Trust For Government Greater Then For Opposition

More people support the ruling coalition of Social Democrats and Leftist-Greens than they do the opposition parties, but both sides of the aisle still face dismal numbers.
Market and Media Research just released the results of a sweeping poll, which asked respondents to rank their trust in various institutions in Icelandic society. This included everything from the courts to the Coast Guard.
When it comes to the government, the ruling coalition enjoys more trust than the opposition parties, but neither have much reason to celebrate. Only 14.1% said they trust the coalition, compared to 13.6% for the opposition. Trust in parliament as a whole is at 10.9%.
Believe it or not, these numbers are actually about the same from this same time last year. At that time, MMR poll results again showed 10.9% trusting parliament as a whole.
The most trusted institutions are, once again, the police (81.3%), the University of Iceland (68%) and the state broadcasting service RÚV (58%). Meanwhile, banks are still held in the lowest regard, at 5.9%, and the people who supervise them don’t fare much better, at 7.8%.