Conservatives Rise To Pre-Crash Approval Ratings

The Independence Party is currently enjoying a level of support it has not had since before the autumn 2008 financial collapse.
According to the latest poll from Gallup, RÚV reports, the Independence Party is currently topping the list of party support, at 38%. The party has not seen this level of support since February of 2008.
This is actually greater than the levels of support of the two parties in the ruling coalition combined. The Social Democrats are currently at about 22%, making them the second largest party in the country, while the Leftist-Greens are at 13.5%. This marks a significant downswing for the party, which has not seen such low numbers since July 2007.
About 13.5% support the Progressives, down from 16% in the last poll, and 2% said they supported the Movement.
Voter dissatisfaction with the status quo appears to still be going strong, as 10% said they would vote for another party not currently in parliament, and 15% said they would either submit blank ballots or not vote at all.