The Reykjavik Grapevine

Police Cracking Down On Public Urination

Downtown Reykjavík police have been stepping up efforts to stem the tide of public urination on weekend nights, for the second weekend running, with no signs of letting up.
As anyone who has been downtown after midnight on a Friday or Saturday night can attest, public urination – by both men and women – is a common sight. Police downtown have apparently decided this was a matter worth attention, and began a task force of sorts the weekend before last, arresting about a dozen people for public urination.
This past weekend has been no exception, either, DV reports, as 23 people were fined Friday night for either public urination or littering, both of which carry a 10,000 ISK fine.
If you are downtown and need to urinate, do try to find an establishment that will let you use their facilities, take advantage of the public toilets at Ingólfstorg or Hlemmur, or be absolutely sure that you are well out of sight, as it seems the police are taking this matter very seriously, and 10,000 ISK is no small amount of money.