The Reykjavik Grapevine

Free Video Game In Icelandic

A gaming company has released an Icelandic version of one of their video games, which can be downloaded and distributed for free.
The game in question, Samsærið (Conspiracy), is an Icelandic version of another video game, Them, which has still yet to be released. Samsærið can be played through Facebook, but the company makes games for multiple platforms, including PC, Mac, iPad and Android.
Samsærið is a mystery thriller, wherein the player has to collect evidence to prove their innocence in a crime they are accused of committing. The game places emphasis on cunning and strategy rather than combat.
Björn Sch. Thorsteinsson, the director of Gamatic – the company behind the game – told Vísir that while games of this type have been increasingly popular around the world, they have yet to catch on in Iceland, which prompted the company to release an Icelandic version of the game. Those who download the game can also exercise the option of being notified when the next version of the game is released, which is due this fall.
Gamatic is an Icelandic company, having the same VAT number as its previous incarnation, Scandinavian Games, ltd. The website of that company,, is now closed.