The Reykjavik Grapevine

Mayor Encourages Moscow To Allow Gay Pride Parade

Mayor of Reykjavík Jón Gnarr has officially asked Moscow authorities to allow a proposed gay pride march to go forward without police interference.
Vísir reports that Jón wrote an official letter to Moscow mayor Sergey Sobyanin on the matter. Therein, he discussed how much of a positive influence Iceland’s gay pride march has had not only on the city, but on public perception towards the LGBT community at large.
The letter was written after it was announced that Moscow authorities would be banning any gay pride march this year. The mayor has encouraged authorities to rethink their position, as he considers the ban a clear violation of human rights.
Jón is no stranger to gay pride marches here in Iceland, having actively taken part in them. During this year’s parade, he rode a float bearing a sign reading “Free Pussy Riot”, and dressed as a member of said band.