Mayor To Raise Money For Mental Health Organisation
Reykjavík mayor Jón Gnarr will get into costume as an Icelandic jólasveinn to raise money for the Icelandic Mental Health Alliance (Geðhjálp).
The mayor is no stranger to wearing costumes, having been most well-known for dressing as a woman and a Jedi on separate occasions, both times for causes he believed in (gay rights and global peace, respectively).
Jón will be getting into costume again, DV reports, as a previously unknown 14th jólasveinn named Geðgóður – meaning “very pleasant”, although the literal translation is “in a good mental state”.
This he will be doing for Geðhjálp, a group which supports and advocates for the mentally ill in Iceland. The organisation has created a contest to write a new Christmas song. So far, 15 companies have signed on to take part in the competition. The winner will be decided by SMS voting, with all proceeds going to Geðhjálp.
Geðgóður will be visiting the bus station Mjódd today, for those wishing to meet him in person.