Drummer Needed For Parliamentary Band
In an interview with mbl.is, Bright Future MP Óttarr Proppé explained the difficulties of starting a parliamentary band.
“There has been some talk of starting a parliamentary band in time for the Parliamentary Ball but it seems we have the same problem here as in the rest of the music scene, a lack of decent drummers”
Óttarr incidentally is also a back up singer for Iceland’s entry to Eurovision this year.
“I joined on pretty short notice. Of course I started out in the music business and knew the boys in Pollapönk and have worked with most people in the industry at one point or another. I assume that at some point they decided to add to their act and got in touch with me.”
It is unclear whether Óttarr will be able to compete in Denmark, on account of his legislative duties. However should he make it, his participation would mark the first time that an Icelandic member of parliament has competed in Eurovision.