The Reykjavik Grapevine

Bárujárn Are Just What We Were Waiting For

Bárujárn have been busy reinvigorating the Icelandic music scene for over two years now! This band of anarchic surf rockers that don’t at all surf (neither did Brian Wilson) somehow manage to embody everything that makes the Icelandic music scene great, while steadfastly avoiding everything that makes it not. Irreverent, playful and outside – we are sure that Bárujárn can bring whatever it is you’re looking for in your Airwaves experience.

So we highly recommend them.

Below is what they have to say for themselves. Give them a listen, a look and some attention, will you?

Who are you? What can we expect from your Airwaves appearance, and what can we expect of you in general? 

We are Bárujárn a surf act that will play Airwaves. We will have a smoke machine, a disco ball and faux ocean waves. At the venue there will be a selection ranging from soft drinks to hard liquor. We prefer the latter. In general we hope to release a motherfucking album if we can aquire some fatherfucking money.

What are some of the acts you want to see at this festival, and why? 

Ham, S.H. draumur and the Icelandic metal bands, because the first two are classics and the metal ones really seem hell bent on creating a blood storm of death and destruction within the current storm of death that Iceland is facing.

Are there any acts missing from the bill that you’d like to see on there? 

Hekla, our theremin player really dislikes the lack of hard-style performers.

Wow. There are, like, one million ‘international’ acts on this year’s schedule. Have you heard of any of them? Are you excited to see any of them?  Do you believe this changes anything for the festival in general, and its spirit.

The international acts never really caught us. frankly they reek of reputation without talent. The local acts always seem so much better

Looking back, do you have a favourite edition of Iceland Airwaves? And if so, why? 

Looking forward the post apocalyptic 2013 festival. It´s sure to be a blast.

Given that most Airwaves-visitors won’t have a lot of time in their schedule to see the Icelandic countryside, are there any nature-havens close by that you’d reccommend?

The beautiful city of Kópavogur is always awe inspiring, and Garðabær, the city of dreams is pretty close to it. Breiðholt, the city of broken hopes is a must though. Suburbia at its finest.

Has a lot changed in the Icelandic music scene since Airwaves 2009? How about Airwaves 2002? 

Uh, we forgot.

Who are your favourite Icelandic acts these days? 

AMFJ by far. Aðalsteinn Moðerfökking Jörundsson. A  heavily intoxicated grown man, screaming in agony for his mom through clouds of smoke and the most evil playback imaginable shoots a chill down your spine. With each set he plays he stabs a old rusty knife through the rotting heart of the krútt generation. His EP is awesome and you just got to love him. And buy him a beer.

A lot of international journalists like to ask: “How has kreppa affected the Icelandic music scene.” Do you think the question is valid? Do you have a preferred way of answering it? 

Money is worth less now so publishing is harder. Especially for a broke unsigned band. The question is valid, but our prefered way of answering it is fuck the captialists that made the kreppa and fuck the politicians that do not deal with it and as for the people that are losing their homes: SQUAT! Oh yeah, and fuck Ross Beaty

Anything else? 

Check out a video that a french artist that calles himself Vincent Moon made with us. You can find it along with tons of other icelandic  and  „international“ bands at

And if you want to donate some money to publish our record please contact us at

Listen to Bárujárn HERE!