The Reykjavik Grapevine

Three Punk Rock Things To Do Whilst In Reykjavík

Morðingjarnir is the Reykjavík Grapevine’s favourite local punk rock band. It probably should be your favourite Icelandic  punk rock band, too. They are excellent live, they make great records and their lyrics are great (unfortunately for you, they write their lyrics in Icelandic. But take our word for it, they’re excellent).

Here is a funny thing about Morðingjarnir as a punk rock outfit: in their personal lives, they’re not all that punk rock. They look the part, sure (albeit sans mohawks and nose rings), but they’re just too damn nice. While not writing sneering rawk tunes, they are all busy feeding babies or helping elderly women cross streets.

Nonetheless, we got Morðingjarnir singer/guitarist to jot down his three favourite punk rock things to do in Reykjavík. Please, someone, try and follow his instructions and document the proceedings. Then write us about it. That would be really fun!


1. Go to a random electronics-store and pretend you’re looking for an alarm clock. Wait until nobody’s looking. Then set all the alarm clocks to go off right after you leave. The first one should go off right when you’re leaving the store. Give them a few minutes after the first one before the second one starts, and then a few minutes after the third one, etc. You can make their whole day miserable while being somewhere else doing something fun.


2. Go downtown and kidnap a dove. It’s easy, they’re usually around. Stash it on your person (preferably inside your coat). Then go to Bíó Paradís (the local arthouse cinema) and buy a ticket to the oldest film being shown. When inside (you should wait until the end of the movie’s first act), you release the dove. As you know, flying creatures tend to fly towards the light and without a doubt the local film-buffs (snobs) will have a fit when the huge silhouetted bird totally demolishes Fellini’s 8 1/2 (or whatever they’re showing that day) by flapping it’s wings right in front of the projector.


3. If you really want to go against the grain, be positive and polite. Icelanders are quite grumpy these days, and they will hate your mellow ass.