From Iceland — Eurovision: A Drinking Game

Eurovision: A Drinking Game

Published May 23, 2015

Eurovision: A Drinking Game

If you’re in Iceland tonight, you simply must partake in Eurovision festivities. If you don’t already have plans, be sure to go to a bar that’s celebrating it, such as Húrra, or invite some friends over, because to Icelanders, Eurovision is one of the best events of the year.

Keep in mind when deciding how to dress for the occasion that Eurovision is a bit like New Year’s Eve. Think: sequins, glitter and anything over-the-top. After all, there are few things as absurd as Eurovision. Also, don’t forget flags! Icelandic, European, Australian, anything you can get your hands on. Flags are important.

Eurovision is basically a national holiday that’s not weighed down by traditions, so you can let your imagination run wild and do whatever you want. If you need some inspiration, though, we have a drinking game for you.

The drinking game

First, write the name of each country competing in the finals on a piece of paper. Put those pieces of paper in a hat and have each guest draw one. If there are more countries than people, those who want can draw more than one until all of the countries have been accounted for, as it’s more fun that way.

If your friends are fans of betting, everyone could put 1,000 ISK into the hat for each country and the one who ends up with the winning country takes it all. Suggestion: the nicest thing to do with the winnings is to buy everyone some KFC the morning after (assuming Iceland isn’t still experiencing a chicken shortage) because believe me, if you’re doing this drinking game, you’re going to need it.

The rules:

“Your country” refers to the country you drew from the hat. During the show you’ll be drinking during performances when…

  • You see your country’s flag
  • There’s a dramatic key change (We actually have a word to describe this: “Eurovisionhækkun”)
  • Someone says “Thank you Europe”
  • A wind machine is being used
  • Something really gimmicky is used, anything from a violinist on an ice rink (Russia 2008) to a backup dancer in a hamster wheel (Ukraine 2014)
  • There’s a cliché expression about peace and love
  • Someone sings intensely with his or her fists clenched
  • There’s an outfit change on stage
  • When you feel the need to drink to forget (some acts are going to be THAT BAD)

You will also drink during the scoring when…

  • Your country gets 8 points or more
  • When Iceland gets ANY points (Sadly this rule doesn’t apply 🙁 this time around)
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