Reykjavík Dance Festival To Donate Half Of Proceeds To Refugee Relief

The Reykjavík Dance Festival is now underway, and half of the proceeds thereof will be going to a good cause.

DV reports that this year’s festival will place special emphasis on the subject of refugees. Half of the proceeds generated from admission will go to the organisation Lighthouse Refugee Relief. This organisation is currently at work on the Greek island of Lesbos, where many Syrian refugees are currently struggling for their very survival.

The Icelandic Red Cross will also be participating in the festival, and will set up a donation booth at Tjarnarbíó. Participants will be able to donate money and/or clothing at this booth.

In the words of the organisers themselves:

“Here in Iceland, Lesbos feels tremendously distant. And the wars of the Middle East feel even further. But there are options. You can volunteer. You can send clothes. You can send money. It is all possible to do. You can do something, for sure. For every ticket sold this November – RDF will donate 50% to this organisation: Because If we weren’t here doing this, we would be volunteering there. Simple as that.”

The full programme of events can be found here.