The Reykjavik Grapevine

Trump Was Right: Inside The Swedish Dystopia

US President Donald J. Trump recently gave a speech in Melbourne, Florida wherein he alluded to “what’s happening in Sweden right now, problems like they never thought possible.” The cowardly liberal press has been utterly silent on the situation. As you can always count on Grapevine to bring the truth to light, we contacted our Swedish correspondent, Gunilla Runsten, who is currently hiding in a bunker in war-torn Dödslabyrint, Sweden. It turns out that, as always, Trump was being 100% honest and informed about Sweden right now.

We all heard Trump’s brave remarks on the situation in Sweden, which no media outlet in the world seems willing to report on. What is the situation in Dödslabyrint at the moment?
It is exactly the way he described it. I would say it is chaos. I’ve never been to Syria… but you know… it’s bad. Burning cars and stuff.

I understand the internet in Sweden is likely spotty at best right now, due to the war situation.
Yes. It’s horrible. The connection is likely to break at any moment, since I’ve been forced to seek protection in a basement. But I’m a prepper so I have supplies. I can stay here for weeks. We are digging a well.

Exactly how many no-go zones are there in your area?
I can’t count the no-go zones anymore. There are basically no zones that are not no-go zones. So that’s why we hide in the basement.

Due to Sharia Law, which is totally a real thing in Sweden right now?
Yes. It’s being implemented in city after city. It all started in Malmö and it’s working its way north. It will soon reach my area. My family and I have decided to leave our hiding place and try to reach the Norwegian border. We hope to be in Norway by late March. From there we will take a boat to Mexico, where we know we can be safe, since Trump has PROMISED to build a wall around that country.

And the resistance fighters, who are working hard to defend Swedish values, how are they holding up?
They are fighting so hard! They are out every night protecting all the runestones.

Is there anything else you want the world to know about the very real and totally not hyperbolic and fabricated situation of cultural war in Sweden?
Write about us, tell the world about us! Soon it will be impossible to find genuine Swedish food like kebab pizza anywhere. The world must help us.