The Reykjavik Grapevine

Genealogy App For Icelanders Being Made

A genealogy app based on the popular database Íslendingabók is being developed by students at the University of Iceland, Visir reports.
According to Ingi Rafn Ólafsson, the Marketing and Communications Manager of Engineering and Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland, the group were approached by Íslendigabók with the idea for the project. “Íslendingabók has just celebrated its tenth anniversary and wants to update their site and offer their services via smartphone,” says Ingi.
The students are one of twelve groups from three universities that are developing apps as part of a contest. The winning group will receive 1 million ISK in funding to make their app available to the public. The winner will be announced on Saturday, April 13.
The Íslendingabók database is a collaborative project between deCODE Genetics and anti-virus software engineer Friðrik Skúlason which contains genealogical information about Iceland’s inhabitants dating up to 1,200 years back.