Icelanders Fourth Most Overweight People in Europe

Icelanders are fourth on a list of countries struggling with being overweight, according to a new report from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
According to the report, the British are the heaviest Europeans, followed by the Irish and then the Maltese. Iceland follows thereafter, with one-fifth of the population suffering from serious problems associated with being overweight.
It should be noted that the European average overall is, in fact, worse off. About half the continent is overweight, and instances of diseases associated with obesity have doubled over the past 20 years.
The people closest to target weight are the Rumenians, followed by the Swiss and the Italians. Lest anyone think Iceland’s weight problem is a Scandinavian issue, Norwegians and Swedes followed behind Italians.
Medical Director of Health Geir Gunnlaugsson told VĂ­sir that he considers the situation very serious, saying that lifestyle choices play a big role in the phenomenon. He points out that the figures indicate that the number of overweight Icelanders is growing, and recommends parents begin teaching their children better eating habits and living more actively.