The Reykjavik Grapevine

President “Dalai Lama Of The North”

The poster advertising a lecture being given by Icelandic president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson states that he “has been called the Dalai Lama of the north”; an appellation of mysterious origin.
The lecture, “The Arctic: A New Model for Global Cooperation”, will be given in the Fletcher auditorium of Tufts University. Also speaking will be Swedish diplomat Pontus Melander, economist Alexander Pilyasov, and Lt. Governor of Alaska Mead Treadwell. The talk will discuss Arctic resources, climate change, and how other nations are viewing the north.
The poster (.pdf) for the event, as well as the previously linked schedule, both ask potential attendees to “Learn Arctic Truths not Myths from One who has been called ‘the Dalai Lama of the North'”, refering to the Icelandic president.
However, Google results for “Dalai Lama of the North” only returns results from the university’s website, or Icelandic news. The Icelandic equivalent, “Dalaí Lama norðursins” only returns results from RUV and other news sites quoting the original story.
Who called the Icelandic president “the Dalai Lama of the North” remains a mystery.