Author: Elías Þórsson - The Reykjavik Grapevine

Word Of The Issue: Þórðargleði


The English language doesn’t have a word for it, so it borrowed from German to express “schadenfreude”: the joy of…

Meet The Smiters: Hörður Björgvin “The Beautiful Death” Magnússon


The most beautiful player on the Icelandic national team, Hörður Björgvin Magnússon, is as gifted a footballer as he is…

Container Society: xDeathrow Photographs A Stored Away Reality


Þórsteinn Sigurðsson, aka xdeathrow, is one of Iceland’s most exciting photographers. His gritty and realistic portraits capture the shady side…

The Revolution Eats Its Children: Meet Feminist Punks Hórmónar


In these booming economic times, it seems that punk is seeing a beautiful revival in the Icelandic capital, and one…

Plenty Of Room On The Smitewagon: News From The Iceland Dressing Room

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As the Iceland’s national football teams continue to smite the entire world within an inch of its quivering life, we…

Ministry Of Health Looking Into Changing Icelandic Time Zone


Minister of Health Óttarr Proppé has put together a task force that will look into the potential welfare and health…

Bónusljóð: Supermarket Poetry Now Available In English


One of Iceland’s most celebrated authors, Andri Snær Magnason, has just released an English translation of his book “Bónusljóð”–one of…

Wages In Iceland Up 60% Since 2012


In the years between 2012-2016, wages in Iceland increased 60%, reports Wage increased has slowed down recently, but they…

Two Men Suspected Of Assaulting A Five Year Old


Two men in their twenties are currently in police custody, suspected of assaulting a five year oldn’ yesterday, reports Vísir….

Icelandic National Team Down – Denmark To Blame (Again)


It’s happened again. They are back. On the latest FIFA World Ranking Iceland falls one spot to 22, while this…

Winner Of Grapevine’s Best Design Shop Kraum Declares Bankruptcy


The design store Kraum, which has won the Best shop to pick up local design award in the Grapevine’s Best…

Man In His 60s Seriously Injured Following Home Invasion


Yesterday, three men broke into a private residence on Melgerði in Kópavogur and viciously assaulted a man in his 60s,…

300 Icelandic Female Politicians Open Up About Sexual Harassment


Over 300 Icelandic female politician from across the political spectrum have signed a petition demanding that “all men take responsibility”…

3 Immigrants Paying 210 Thousand For Shared 8 Square Metre Room


The typical rent prices for a 8 square metre room with two beds and sometimes a wardrobe with access to…

Cocaine Flood Continues In Iceland: More Seized Than Ever Before


Customs agents at the Keflavíkur International Airport have seized up to 31 kilograms of narcotics this year of which 23.5…

The Clock Is Ticking: New Sundhöllin Is Coming


The locals have waited for what seems like an eternity for the oldest swimming pool in Reykjavík, Sundhöll Reykjavíkur to…

Dear Washington Post, Our National Football Team Is Not “Cuddly”


Iceland qualifying for the 2018 World Cup has captured the world’s imagination and sports writers and international audiences have been…

Hallgrímskirkja Raking In The Millions


The most iconic building in Reykjavík, Hallgrímskirkja, has seen it’s income from entry fees to its tower increase eightfold in…

Ólafur Arnalds Goes To Space Searching For Aliens


Stardate November 17 2017, musician Ólafur Arnalds has just sent his composition “Stratus 1” to the planet GJ273b. The planet…

England Shakes As Iceland Beckons In The World Cup


The 27 of June 2016, a day when Old Blighty copped a Blighty and feebly left Europe for the second…

Illegal To Camp Or Do Your Business Wherever You Want In South Iceland


The police in the south of Iceland have announced rule changes which will make it illegal for tourists to sleep…

Manchester United Scout Sent To Reykjavík, Finds Out National Team Is In Qatar


The Icelandic national team has for several years made international headlines and super club Manchester United seems to be among…

IKEA Christmas Goat Under 24/7 Guard


It has become a seasonal event–like the return of winter, darkness and parliament elections–the annual burning of the IKEA Christmas…

Record Number Of Foreign Immigrants In Iceland


More foreign immigrants are expected to arrive in Iceland during our current boom than in the years leading up to…

Everybody’s Spectacular Festival: Breathing Life Into Performance


“The name has a double meaning. It’s both a reference to the body and to the fact that everybody is…