A Magical Amulet: The Best Xmas Gift EVER?
Kira Kira and Eskmo team up for a super limited edition releaseHey. If you want to give your friend or loved one an almost absurdly unique Christmas present that will […]
So What’s This I Keep Hearing About Everything Being Terrible in Iceland?
In Mid-November Unnar Steinn Sigtryggsson, an Icelander who goes by the username “askur,” made a comment on popular internet community Reddit. He recounted the major ne
Dirty Holidaze
Grapevine’s guide to Yr. Ultimate Holiday BenderDecember is by far the darkest and spookiest month. It is also the booziest, by far. The overwhelming joy one often associates wit
Pagan Christmas
History lesson, pt. IThe idea of throwing a big celebration in honour of the birth of Christ is a relatively recent idea. Nobody knows exactly when he was born; guesses […]
Reykjavík Forces Its Music Schools Into Bankruptcy
As you may have heard, Icelandic music teachers recently ended a five-week long strike. The music teachers’ strike was caused by a wage dispute. It was resolved when Icelandic au
The Encyclopaedia of Icelandic Holidays
Aðfangadagur (Ath-founga-dager) December 24, Aðfangadagur, is the day Icelanders celebrate Christmas (as opposed to December 25 in most countries). The first half of the day usua
WAR ON CHRISTMAS: Finally, An Icelandic Front
Anyone who’s followed American politics, or switched to Fox News over the holidays, knows that a full blown war is raging at this very moment: The War On Christmas. On […]
Wanted: The Icelandic Christmas Mood
When they stop stacking the Rjómi (heavy cream) neatly on the supermarket shelves, you know Christmas is just around the corner. The Rjómi hasn’t disappeared though. Entering t
Holiday Opening Hours
Your Grapevine GuideIf you are a tourist stranded in Iceland over the holiday season, you may find yourself hard pressed to come up with activities to engage in, as the […]
The Sinister Christmas Clan Of Iceland
In Iceland, there is no Santa Claus. Instead, there are thirteen “jólasveinar,” which can be translated to “Yule Lads.” They live in mountains and hike to town, one by one
Good Ol’ Traditions
Debates on Monday #14 One of last week’s loudest debates has to do with next year’s State Treasury budget, which Alþingi has been debating, as tradition has it, these last [&h
Spotify: The Market Sets The Price
Thoughts on costs, benefits and effectsRecently, the independent news site Nútíminn, leader among independent news sites named Nútíminn, ran an Op-Ed by a terribly uninformed
Iceland’s Economy Shrinks In Third Quarter
Austerity delivers anaemic growth: No surprise thereAfter years of growing at a respectable rate, the Icelandic economy seems to have stalled. According to the most recent measurem
Be A Peaceful Infant Smiling In The Manger
A Christmas HomilyFeast of lights and love, the family days of Christmas; “what to dine and how to dress”— oh, don’t we all just thrill up on the quirky-looking sweater
Inspired By Iceland. For Real
Reykjavík’s “kleina” and hot dogs are invading England’s South CoastIn Southsea, Portsmouth, UK, where Castle Road meets Kent Road, you’ll find 101 Reykjavík, a cosy Ic
Preparing for Global Leadership
Journalist Þóra Arnórsdóttir discusses her experience as a Yale World FellowIn 2012, Þóra Arnórsdóttir, a respected journalist for Icelandic State TV, RÚV, launched a form
Squeezing Blood From A Turnip: Iceland’s Universal Healthcare At Risk
In a small and private ceremony in a chapel in Fossvogur, around 30 friends and family members are present to pay their respects to 50-year-old Rósa Mikaelsdóttir, a single mothe
May Day Mayday: Iceland’s Ongoing Doctor Strike
Following a round of unsuccessful negotiations, doctors in Iceland commenced their first ever strike in late October. In the wake of the banking crisis, so as to share the burden,
Iceland’s University Hospital: The Director Speaks
Páll Matthíasson runs this ship...Throughout the whole healthcare debacle, one man has consistently remained focused on the big picture: the National University Hospital of Icela
Down To The Bone: The Healthcare System, Post-Austerity
Following the economic collapse of 2008, the Icelandic State’s debts skyrocketed, reaching 126% of the country’s GDP in 2011. At the same time, State revenue sources ground to
Prescribing Trouble: Iceland’s Social Insurance Explained
Prescription drugs used to be either completely, partially or not at all covered by the insurance system, sometimes arbitrarily. On May 4, 2013, a new system was implemented, which