Madam President
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir on fashion and the timesArriving at Vigdís Finnbogadóttir’s house just before noon on Friday, I find a note on the door: “Anna, please wait! I’m on
So What’s This Silly Talk In Parliament I Keep Hearing About?
Politicians say the darnedest things. That has been true at least since their words were commonly recorded in hieroglyphics. For people to take notice, the volume of silly talk fro
The Reykjavík Grapevine Design Awards 2014
...For Best Product, Product Line, Project and Fashion Design of 2013For our fourth annual Design Awards, we once again rounded up a small panel of design-savvy folks to help us [&
Sour Grapes and Stuff: Issue 3, 2014
From: Jacob Kruse <> To: [The Icelandic Association of Chicago] To the Icelandic Association of Chicago: Hello, my name is Jacob Kruse and I am excited to
Iceland Is Feeling Pretty Insular
Come this time of year Icelandic households start receiving glossy catalogues in the mail with package deals to sunny destinations like Crete and Benidorm. It’s all the same: pag
A Nazi’s Disappointment With Iceland
In the early hours of May 10, 1940, British forces launched Operation Fork, invading Iceland. One of their first tasks, upon disembarking in Reykjavík, was to arrest the German co
The Calm Warrior
Bouncing back and forth inside the octagon-shaped cage in Nottingham, England, Icelandic fighter Gunnar Nelson lands a kick to DaMarques Johnson’s head, evades a flurry of blows,
Orenda (n.): a mystical force present in all people that empoweres them to affect the world, or to effect change in their own lives. I am in a frenzy. Standing […]
Ram’s Balls, And Sheep’s Heads, And Smoked Horse, Oh My!
Getting a taste for Icelandic traditions at an Ásatrú ÞorrablótAt the end of January, mere weeks after most Icelanders have packed away their Christmas decorations and returned
Raising Awareness In The Raw
The Naked Handstander explains...Well-travelled, principled, and none-too-shy about dropping trou, the anonymous maverick known only as The Naked Handstander has bared his goods ar
So Who’s This Tony Omos I Keep Hearing About?
He is a Nigerian who applied for asylum in Iceland two years ago. Late last year he was escorted out of the country by police and separated from the mother […]
Fit For Print
Tourism, it need hardly be pointed out, is big business in Iceland, an industry which in the years following the crash has ballooned, with more than double the country’s populati
Sour Grapes And Stuff: Issue 2
Most Awesome Letter Dear john gnarr, (Great photo!) I enjoyed your address in ‘the grapevine’ on the life of Jesus and agree with some of your humorous comments, but fa
Re: Grapevine’s Ghastly Gender Gap
A few days after our last issue came out, we received a letter about something that I had been feeling rather uncomfortable about for some time now. I knew it […]
They Said What?
The great thing about being important enough that the media hangs on every word you say and write is that your words become public record forever. And by that I […]
Greater Beings In The Stars Will Be Frequent Guests
At the start of each New Year we are tempted to make predictions. Lemúrinn will make no such forecast for 2014 as we think it is generally a bad idea […]
Meet Iceland’s Pinball Wizard
As it is for many hobbyists and collectors, it was inevitably a love of Star Wars that spurred Þröstur Höskuldsson to act on an ad in a local newspaper for […]
Welcome to 2004
Of course it should read ‘welcome to 2014’ and a very happy New Year to all. And what better way is there to ring in the New Year than with […]
Freelancing The Work Place
An Icelander, two Germans and a Brit are sitting in a bright and cavernous room in Reykjavík’s Old Harbour, drinking coffee side by side in total silence, physically together bu
Welcome to the Grapevine’s Second Ever Annual Music Awards, Ever!
Here at Reykjavík Grapevine we love little more than chit-chatting and shit-shooting about Icelandic music. There’s rarely a moment in the office when there isn’t some new alb
Looking Back, Looking Forward
Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, Geophysicist and 2012 presidential candidate What was the biggest shock of 2013? “The incompetence and lack of professionalism of the new government. It