Humans of Reykjavík: Aldís
Every issue, we will interview someone living and working in Reykjavík, so as to share with you, dear reader, the trials and tribulations of daily life here in the capital. [&hell
Hero/Villain Of The Issue
The villain of the issue for this issue is sand. While some might find it difficult to villainize something so ubiquitous, those people have never lived through a Reykjavík winter
Witnessing The End Of An Era
Even modest deployments of the vast US military leave a large footprint. In a country the size of Iceland, and a town the size of Keflavík, the economic and cultural […]
The Base As A Bridge Built On Good Intentions
In the 1940s, the most common way for a young man to see the world was to join the army. For young women, it was nursing. I mean this from […]
All About That Base
Early in February, news reached Icelanders that American troops were coming back to Iceland after a ten-year absence. While the truth of the matter is not as dramatic, we did [&hel
Slut-Shaming And State-Sponsored Persecution In “Situation” Era Iceland
Starting in 1940, Iceland’s occupation by Allied forces during WWII was for the most part a peaceful one, at least compared to what went on in the rest of Europe […]
This Issue’s Issue: Selling Alcohol In Private Shops
These days everything is just facts, facts, facts. You hop on social media and every armchair pundit is just posting statistics, research findings, and reasoned analysis. We at the
The Hot Button: Tourism Safety
The hot button issue that Icelanders have been going on about this past month is tourism safety. It used to be somewhat funny to point out the reckless shenanigans of […]
Words Of Interest: A Trip To The Bakery
“Ég tók hann í bakaríið” literally means “I took him to the bakery.” At first glance, it sounds rather lovely— treating someone to freshly baked goods—but
Three Weird Tricks To Ensure An Elf-blessed Time In Iceland
Get yourself a Northern Lights timetable: If you’ve ever had one of those days where everyone is going on and on about how beautiful the Aurora were last night, but […
RECAP: Laxdæla Saga, The Allegedly Romantic One
If you ask the average native English speaker which of Shakespeare’s plays is their favorite, most will probably say ‘Romeo & Juliet’ just because it’s the only one the
Embrace The Suck! Tips For Staying Miserable In The Icelandic Winter
I am plagued by my American optimism. Even in the dark, cold Icelandic winter, my default emotional state is a stupid-happy malaise. Sometimes, I am even borderline bubbly. I have
How Working In Iceland Turned Me Into An Angry Feminist
I have always been a feminist. I am a girl, and I am also logical, so the concept that I should have the same opportunities in life as my brothers […]
The Icelandic Confirmation: Free Laptop With Every Jesus Accepted!
It is the season of Confirmation, and it’s a big deal for every thirteen-year-old in Iceland (and a slight nuisance to everyone else). It’s the time of year when family [&helli
First Páll Óskar, Now Eurovision And Hugleikur Dagsson, The Professional Triumphs Of Jono
If you watched Iceland’s Eurovision Finals, you saw Greta Salóme chosen to represent Iceland in the Eurovision Song Contest. The two hosts of the show, the frighteningly fit blo
Getting In With The Whales: The Politics Of Research
Panellists from the Lífríki foundation conclude their presentation at the 2015 Arctic Circle conference. Hands start to shoot up, even before the rest of the audience finishes it
Njáls Saga RECAP: The One Where They Burn That Motherfucker Down
We need to talk about Njáls Saga. Fully titled the Saga of Burned Njál, it is considered the absolute zenith of literary brilliance in Iceland’s original prose genre. It is [&h
The Best Place In Iceland To Masturdate: Smáralind
Masturdate (Ma-stir-date) noun: 1. To go on date by yourself; to be alone but still do activities normally associated with dates; to realize you deserve to be wooed and to take [&
Sour Grapes & Stuff: Issue 2, 2016
Say your piece, voice your opinion, send your letters to: — This issue’s most awesome letter! — Just returned from a weekend in Reykjavik. Amazing snow
Your Handy Guide To Driving Safely Through The Icelandic Winter!
Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past five years, you’ve probably heard it a billion times: Winter is coming. Well, in Iceland, winter has already come, there’s [&