The Reykjavik Grapevine

The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ And Chocolate

It was brought to my attention by walking through Krónan and seeing an Easter egg on the shelf that the holiday is rapidly approaching. At first, I didn’t understand why on earth Easter eggs were being sold in February. Christmas, Sprengidagur and Bolludagur were just a week ago, weren’t they? I guess our calendar is littered with festivals dedicated to excessive eating (not that I’m complaining).

It was at that moment that I realised I wasn’t even the slightest bit excited for Easter, which made me a bit sad because it means I’m finally a grown-up, which is in no way exciting. I remember when Easter was a magical time: the sun was shining, school was out and on the day you’d wake up to search for your massive (and hidden) Easter egg.

Did I mention they were huge? Iceland takes the Easter egg concept to a whole other level, increasing them in size and filling them with candy, as well as with a smart proverb that everyone now shares on social media. The amount of sugar the kids get is also absolutely over the top: an active eight-year-old needs about 1,500 calories per day, yet in a size six Easter egg (which is not the biggest) there are some 3,300! Yet for kids, the size you get is a mark of social status!

Come to think of it, isn’t the world running out of chocolate? Why do we feed tiny little rug rats this glorious brown substance when they just end up rubbing some of it on their faces and throwing the rest out? In the best-case scenario, the parents shamefully try eating the remains when their children aren’t looking.

Will I buy an Easter egg for myself? Of course, but only in order to celebrate the resurrection of our one true saviour, Jesus Christ.