Electric Eye (NO)
Electric Eye play droned out psych-rock inspired by the blues, India and the ever more expanding universe. On the bands inspirational mix tape, you will probably find songs from the The Black Angels, Wooden Shjips and Pink Floyd in Pompeii. With members from some of Bergen’s foremost underground bands, a couple of spectacular songs and live shows, the buzz about Electric Eye swiftly spread from Norway to different prominent music blogs. Electric Eye finally released their long awaited debut “Pick-up, Lift-off, Space, Time” in April. The album received rave reviews in the Norwegian music press, and has over the last few months spread to blogs and radio stations all over the world. The album was a co-release between Norway and London based Fuzz Club Records, which released “Pick-up, Lift-off, Space, Time” in both the UK and US.
“This is by far my favourite record of the week and Electric Eye strongly becoming my new favourite band…absolutely marvelous!”
– Norman Records, Leeds, UK
“Amazing space rock extravaganza from Norway”
– The Active Listener
October 31, 2013
22:30 Hressó