The Reykjavik Grapevine


Bárujárn was founded in 2008 after members met at an industrial showcase for corrugated iron and related supplies in Hafnir city on the wind barren South Coast of Iceland. The music was to represent the black sands and waves that is at the heart and life of the booming Icelandic surfer culture. Determined to succeed in a world full of tears, the band went on to wither in the ashes of their poorly rolled cigarettes through relentless unprofessionalism, constant poverty and petty crime.
They released an EP in 2010 commonly mistaken for the crushed remnants of a grilled sandwich due to its luxurious aluminum foil wrapping. This packaging failure resulted in the frequent discarding of the EP to the trash bin at local radio stations and hence no airplay.
Theraminist Hekla Magnúsdóttir quit the band in 2011 partly because of an artistic misunderstanding but mostly due to frequent sexist remarks and the general decadence of the remaining members.
As of this writing, their main accomplishments consist of a failed make-it-or-break-it tour through the neighboring Faroe Islands, supporting local child-star-turned-hot-shot Brandur Enni and getting to the semi finals in the unofficial battle of the bands.
After years of procrastination, their debut album was released the July 4, 2013 to pay tribute to multinational corporations and American imperialist capitalism.

October 30, 2013
00:10 Amsterdam

October 31, 2013
23:30 Hressó